Spring is my favorite season! Here are a few pictures of what I have growing, my attempt at a green thumb...the red poppy in the picture below is already dead! But thankfully Lowe's has a 1 year guarantee on all of their plants so I was able to pull it up and get my $4.32 back last Sunday! Woo hoo! "We're Cheap, aren't we momma??" "Yes, darlin' we sure are!!" :0)
The weekend after our springbreak guests left our friends Matt and Cassie, from San Antonio came down to stay with us. We started off with a concert Friday night. We got to hear some of our favorite Texas country bands and had a blast! They wouldn't allow cameras so I didn't get any good pictures. Bummer! A Crabby Adventure On Saturday the guys decided they wanted to do a little crabbin'. I had never crabbed before nor' had I ever seen anyone crab so Cassie and I decided to tag along for moral support and to soak up a little sunshine. On our way to catch crabs we had to make a detour stop at our local Wallyworld to pick up some crabbing supplies. When I saw the string, catch net, and raw chicken legs I knew I was in for some good entertainment! Soon after we arrived at our destination we realized that the guys had just about as much experience crabbing as we did. Cassie and I couldn't stop laughing when we observed Wes and Matt whirling their string tied chicken legs in the air. Eventually they were able to catch some blue crab that were big enough to keep. I wanted to release them but the guys said no way after a hard day of crabbing! Our neighbors invited us all over for a fish fry that night so we brought our catch over to be cooked.