Monday, June 22, 2009

"Happy Birthday Wesley, Happy Birthday To You!!!"

Wes turned 27 years old on June 18th! He is officially in his late twenties... I keep telling him that our youth is slipping away!!nooo!!!!!! The morning of his birthday I gave him his first gift, Clinique's Chemistry cologne, which he has been wanting for awhile. That evening we went to dinner at Taco Bueno (his choice, his favorite!) and then off to the mall where he picked out a pair of Oakley sunglasses (at this point i am saying to myself "boy oh boy I sure am glad Wes chose Taco Bueno for his birthday dinner now --only $12!)!

Centsational Girl!

So I have a new favorite person!!! The Centsational Girl and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her! I came across her blog while googling home decor ideas and found my new BFF (Kate, if you are reading this I am really not a crazy stalker lady!!)! Anywho...I wanted to share this great discovery with ya'll!

I have been doing a little treasure hunting myself and somehow mananged to get myself out of bed at 7:30 on a Saturday, yes SATURDAY morning and to go garage sale shopping at that!!! I saw it from a distance, it was calling my name, as if a ray of sunshine was coming down from the sky shining over it! There it was, a nasty little chair. I asked the lady how much and when she said "one dolla" I knew this little chair would be coming home with me to be my first DIY victim. And for a buck, if I messed it up I wouldn't be too upset! So here is my first attempt at being a Centsational Gal!
The cushion was sooo grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooss!
You can click on the photos to make them larger!

A good cleaning, a fresh coat of paint, the tightening up of several screws, a new cushion (handmade by moi') and a now not so lonely corner in our bedroom for the cost of about $15 bucks!!!! Now that just makes me SMILE :) I love a good bargain~
Currently I am working on revamping an old lamp I bought on my lunch break at Goodwill last week! What is happening to me????? Will blog about that when it is finished!