~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIMES SQUARE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~Empire State Building~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The swedish twins pose in the lobby of the ESB! :) Julie and I were asked if we were swedish twins A LOT! Literally, like 30 people asked us that!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Outside of City Hall~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lunch in Little Italy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chinatown was a very interesting place. Canal street, where you can buy all of the designer knockoffs, runs right through Chinatown. We kept getting pulled aside and were asked very secretively if we wanted Gucci, Prada, Coach, or Tiffany. We wanted to go check out the goods and so they had us follow a Chinese guy a couple of blocks who then traded off with a woman whom we followed for a bit more. We turned down a small side street and then stopped at a door where we were hurried us inside after they checked to make sure the coast was clear. We went up stairway and through a few doors to a room filled with their illegal stash! It was crazy, I was so nervous it felt as if we were doing some kind of drug deal! After that we were shopping in a little store looking at jewelry and purses when a guy asked us if we wanted to see his designer collection. We said sure so he took us to the back of the store where he had a secret door that looked like the wall. He opened and he led us to a small room with their illegal stash! We didn't purchase anything but the experience was definetly one to remember!

~~~We found these signs quite amusing because everyone honks all the time~~~

~~~Top of the Rock Observatory-Beautiful Views!~~~

~~~~~~~~~~ Sunset Happy Hour Cruise! ~~~~~~~~~~~
Our camera died before we went by the SOL! This was my favorite thing we did on our trip!

~~~~~~~~New tat I got after the cruise~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~FAO SCHWARTZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Piano from the movie "BIG" ...yes we were the only adults! :0)

__________I <3 SMURFS____________

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~St. Paul's Chapel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This chapel sits right across the street from where the twin towers once stood. They said it was the only building in the surrounding area that was not damaged during 9/11. Not even one window cracked. The chapel served as a resting place for the 9/11 volunteers. http://www.saintpaulschapel.org/

This sign hung in the chapel. I <3 Oklahoma!

These are origami peace swans made and given by thousands of Japanese school children after 9/11. I took these pictures for my origami loving mother!

~~~~~~~~~~~ST. PATRICKS CATHEDRAL~~~~~~~~~~~~
The pictures do not do it any justice! The most magnificent building I have ever seen!

~~~~~~American Museum of Natural History~~~~~~

This place was very cool!

~~~~~~~~~~~The Beautiful Central Park~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~John Lennon Memorial in Central Perk~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Magnolia Bakery~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have so many more great photos but way too many to share them all (about 500 pictures between me and Jules..ya we are camera happy :0) )!! Our Great NYC Adventure was everything we expected and so much more! I can't wait to go back--gotta catch a broadway show next time!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I <3 NY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Haley bird- what fabulous pics; makes me want to hop a plane ASAP to NYC; you showed some of the best of the best there & I am sure you 2 "pretty Swedish twins" made your mark! I am so happy that you had fun living it real in the Big A.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics! Looks like lots of fun! We are going in September and your pictures made me anxious! I want to do Ellis Island since I didn't last time! Glad you had a great trip! Pretty girls, Swedish or not!
ReplyDeleteI love NYC too! Your pics are great and it looks like you had a good time! I so want to go to NYC when its not snowing or really cold! I'm glad you liked Magnolia Bakery sometimes I have dreams about those cupcakes!