Speaking of weekends I thought I'd share this past one with you.
Let's see.
Friday: work, home, water plants, put away dishes, pick up dog poop in backyard, visit Kenny & Melissa, eat, sleep.
Oh btw, the crepe myrtle I planted is getting buds all over it! Can't wait to see it all in bloom! I took these Friday night.
Nope, that didn't do it, need the flash.
Much better!
Saturday: wake up, coffee, laundry, water plants, clean floors, clean up after Wes, pick up dog poop in back yard, Corpus for lunch, run, grocery store, friend Julie comes over, wine, tuna, sleep.
Sunday: Up at 8AM, couch, history channel, fall back asleep, up at 11AM, swim suit, eat, mall, pool,
home, clean kitchen, clean up after Wes, garden pickin (look at all the tomaters--just from yesterday, more salsa, Yes please!)
, laundry, cook, eat, sleep...sorta, why?
Today: burn, lobster red burn, the kind of burn where any bit of clothing or movement is painful. So STUPID! I always put on sunscreen and at least an SPF 8 or 15when I am trying to get a tan. But yesterday...for some reason I decided to revert back to my teenage years and go naked. Big mistake. I am going to have those horrible old lady chest wrinkles after my skin blisters then sloughs off like a snake. Never again! Sunscreen is my friend!
And that's what my little weekend was all about, how 'bout you!? What did you get into?
LOL! I sing that song every Friday! I totally agree a 3day weekend would make us all more productive.